choosing the right scrap style for you

Choosing the type of Scrapbook that’s right for you:

First Birthday

First Birthday Page

Chronological: A chronological scrapbook is exactly what it sounds like.  These types of scrapbooks work well for engagement albums, pregnancy albums, first year baby albums, and others. If its a first year scrapbook, the book would begin with a child’s birth and continue on accordingly. If you’re planning a pregnancy scrapbook, occasionally it might begin with a few pre-baby pages, and then the book would move on to conception, finding out, showers, registrations, ultrasounds, growing bellies, and birth. In the case of engagement or anniversary albums, a chronological organization is an excellent way to document your relationship history.

"A Night to Remember"

Themed: Themes can range from color schemes to topics, characters, and more. We have created books for children that are princess or sports themed, we have created books that were themed around travel, wine or food. We can create character themes too. The possibilities are endless. A theme scrapbook is an excellent way organize a wedding or guest-to-scrap album. It works well when scrapping an entire book about a single trip or event. It can also work well in the case of scrapping an ongoing theme, like a book about the 13 seasons of soccer your child played.

"Giggle Face."

Candid – Candid scrapbooks focus less on the organizational aspects and more on individual moments.  These scrapbooks can be arranged chronologically once complete, but the approach is more spontaneous.  Rather than scouring through boxes and computer files to find a photo you’re sure you kept somewhere, we begin a candid scrapbook by starting with a few photos that you really connect with. They can be from last week or ten years ago.


"Gone Fishin"

Grouped – Grouped scrapbooks can be wonderful if you want a book that presents several individuals in one book, or if you want to focus on specific parts of a larger whole. For instance, if you wanted to create a book about your son’s sports activities (he participates in multiple sports each year), we may create a section about his last three seasons of soccer, followed by a section featuring his last three seasons of football, followed by three seasons of basketball. The same can be created for big vacations, and a multitude of other styles.

"Sittin on the dock"

Coordinated – Coordinated scrapbooks can be essential when creating books for siblings, twins, or gifts for multiple individuals. If we’re looking to create books for twins that were different but similar, we would want each book to have the same style and flow. To accomplish this we might choose different color schemes and personality traits to emphasize, and while many of the same events would be scrapped, it would be done from a perspective that best represented the individual. For this style, we complete pages for the same time frame in each book at the same pace.

Each of these styles can be mixed, matched and combined with any of the other styles to create the scrapbook that is perfect for you.  The question is, what is your scrap style?